Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Lucilla-my cat

Dear Lucilla,

Sometimes you are a brat and I want to strangle you, but I still love you no matter what. You are such a cute little kitten and you are a ball of fun. Most of the time I tell you I hate you I am just angry and do not mean it. I love coming home to you and petting you because you are so adorable. I hate feeding you and changing your litter box and you really stink up my room, but I still do all those things because I love you. You make my life complete and I am so greatful that I have you in my life.


Your dearest Katie

1 comment:

  1. Dear Katie,
    The look of you makes me vomit. I wish you would leave me alone. I hate it when you pet me with those grimy hands! How dare you say I stink! Have you ever smelled yourself?!?! It is aweful! The only reson why I stay around is for the food!!! I would die for a new owner! So... GOOD BYE FOREVER!!!!
    Never yours again,
